Tuesday 19 December 2023

Complete Products


Editors Note Issue 1:
Us at VISION are beyond excited to present our first edition of VISION film magazine. We hope to provide a diverse and intriguing source of content which will give you an insight into the crazy world of the film industry. To make our first edition special, extra special, we have made our first edition a Halloween Special! Throughout your read please reach out on any platform and tell us what you enjoy and what you wish to see in the future and perhaps content you didn't enjoy.

We hope we haven't scared you with this months edition, however, by focussing on horror we hope to perhaps provide you with the perfect fright movie night! Either snuggling up with your partner or leaving yourself open to the darkness - it'll certainly be a night to remember.

We have also featured intriguing stories such as behind the scenes special with Kaitlyn Sheperd. She is a hard-working and well-deserving director of the film industry, climbing her ranks to now becoming a very prestigious, Oscar-winning director!

Here at VISION, we are delighted the importance and awareness of small-budget, independent film productions in addition to the large blockbuster hits. We also believe at only promoting well-deserving productions and actors. We want to utilise our platform for only the best: For you.

As well as contacting us, through X, Instagram or Facebook: Please us you or you with your friends in your very best Halloween costumes from any year! It will enter you into a chance of winning 2 free everyman tickets and seeing the latest blockbuster hits in comfort!

Your sincerely,
Carter Robinson

Editors Note Edition 2:
Thank you for your lovely feedback since our last encounter, we read as many messages as possible on all platforms. We truly appreciate you going out your way to message us such nice things. Along with appreciation, we received many messages regarding our choice of brand name - and we would love to answer here! VISION is all linked with eyesight and the act of watching. Originally, shorts videos called films were short, slow moving stock animation with no sound. Consequently, we at VISION believed by always linking todays film industry to the birth of film brought most significance, and will always remind us where our passion originated.

More exciting news - we have partnered with Shelter for this months edition! Shelter have vital, life-saving work working on the streets up and down the UK helping people escape poverty and gain solid grounding to begin news lives. We are thrilled to announce we will be donating 20% of all profits to Shelter this month. As a company, we at VISION the flamboyance and big-budget of the film industry needs to be acknowledged, and by partnering with Shelter we hope to help the hopeless and be viewed as a VISION for all.

This months will hopefully be providing some escapism in our world which is currently full of destruction and anger. By giving recommendations and learning about the industry, we hope to gift you an insight into this glorious world!

Don't forget since our last encounter, us at VISION, have worked extremely hard to formulate and create our new VISION app: Tailored Recommended Movies. A special machine in the app will formulating the best movies for you. Get downloading today!

Yours sincerely,
Carter Robinson  

Monday 18 December 2023

Intertextual References

 Issue 1 Contents Page:

"Follow the yellow brick road and join us" - Wizard of Oz

"An Alistair Drage Scare" - Spielberg Scare - comparing both directors

"Join The Club " - The Sopranos

Issue 2:

"Heaven to Hollywood" - Heaven Amazon Prime Series 

"There's no place like home" - Wizard of Oz

Issue 2 Content Page:

"Ajuni Kaur's Origin Story" - Superhero's origin stories

"Join The Club" - The Sopranos

"Darcey's Evolutions of the Camera" - Darwin's theory of evolution

"Kachow!" -  Lightning McQueen

“Longing for your Prince Charming” - Cinderella


"I'll Never Let Go" - Titanic

"Heaven to Hollywood" - Heaven Amazon Prime Series

"Shiver me Timbers" - Treasure Island

"Money Money Money" - ABBA song

*Film Club Back round Picture*

Through my intertextual references, I have tried to reflect the cultural competency of my targert audience of a "primarily 16-25 year-old middle and upmarket media literate audience".

Sunday 22 October 2023



Accessible Pages: Home page

                              FILM CLUB page

Website viewed on laptop to be put at 50% zoomed out

When clicked on clapper board ...

When clicked on popcorn...

Monday 2 October 2023

Possible 2nd Cover

 These are two possible front covers for my magazine second front cover. I really like both covers. I like the first one because her face is stunning - shining in the limelight. Although I prefer the stance of the second and believes this show her off best.

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Front Cover 1 - Editing

 I am pleased with my first mock up especially considering my photoshop skills this time last year. I believe my magazine shows many magazine conventions. The cover price, masthead, issue number, anchor etc. My only concerns would be not hitting the brief of the 'upmarket audience' as the colours and style may not be reflective. I have utilised Barthes semiotics theory through the red lighting and some red wording to highlight the horror theme on this front cover as this issue is released at the start of autumn season so people will be craving Halloween and cosy movies. 

Statement of Intent